Are you looking for a new adventure? So did we...

If you're ready to set sail into the unknown and become inspired to satisfy your own wanderlust, join us each week on the Adventure On Deck podcast.


About the Podcast

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Adventure On Deck
Set sail into the unknown, experience the thrill of discovery and become inspired to satisfy your own wanderlust, with Adventure On Deck - the story of one couple's journey from novice sailors to seasoned adventurers.

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About your host

Profile picture for Cheryl Drury

Cheryl Drury

Cheryl stayed home with her four children for many years, where she found her engineering and actuarial science degrees to be surprisingly useful. Together with her husband they also ran a horse boarding barn for several years. As new empty nesters, they sold the farm, moved to Charleston, SC, and bought Abide, a 136' sailboat, with the goal of sailing to as many places around the world as possible.